The perfect swimming pool weather has been replaced by falling leaves and falling temperatures. Preparing your swimming pool for the winter season is essential to making sure you can enjoy diving into sparkling water for years to come.
Here are a few tips to winterize your swimming poool:
Backwash the filter. Backwashing the filter will remove sand or debris from the system that may have built up over summer use.
Disconnect pump and filter. Drain the pump to avoid any water, mold and mildew buildup during the winter season. Store any parts or plugs in a place where it can easily be located for the spring.
Remove skimmer baskets. Be sure the baskets are completely clean, removing leaves, twigs, and any other debris.
Phoenix Pool Services provides the Northwest Florida area with professional pool maintenance services, including winterization, pool cleaning, swimming pool repair and more. Contact us to schedule swimming pool maintenance today!